Satan's Boots Don't Creak Synopsis:

A small town in the heart of Pennsylvania's Amish country is rocked by murder when Farm Conklin, recently released from prison, is arrested for the brutal killing of his wife Lorraine.

Satan’s Boots Don’t Creak is a mystery novel centered around that murder and is powered by the conflict between a ruthless prosecutor, the young and ambitious C. Norman Locke, who ten years earlier had left his hometown of Philadelphia to become a big fish in a small pond; and the dedicated J. D. Banks, the respected and experienced defense attorney who firmly believes in the innocence of his client. The weaving of the story’s diverse threads leads to a gyrating plot and sub-plots, an explosive trial, and a surprise ending.

Backdrop: Manchester, a ficticious small town in south-central Pennsylvania, the heart of the state’s Amish country – Circa 1998

Story Sketch: Three years after Farm Conklin’s conviction on charges that he committed a serious assault upon his wife Lorraine and three weeks after his release from prison, the body of Lorraine Conklin is found in the bedroom of their small Cape Cod home located in rural Manchester County. Farm is arrested and hires the county’s most respected and experienced defense attorney, J.D. Banks to represent him. As the trial begins, the evidence against Conklin appears to be of overwhelming strength. Yet, as the trial progresses, other suspects, viable to the defense team, arise to complicate the plot. Still more ammunition is supplied when, during the trial, the defense team uncovers inconsistencies in the prosecution’s evidence. Before the case is solved, the plot is complicated by the exposure of governmental corruption, the illegal activities of Lorraine's boss, the entrance of organized crime figures from Philadelphia, a suicide, and two more murders.

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© 2005 by Don. Lewis

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